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Family and Peers                                                            INC


The proportion of parents who facilitate physical activity and sport opportunities for children, meet physical activity guidelines for adults, and are physically active with their children. The proportion of children and youth with friends or peers who encourage and support them to be physically active.

The grade of incomplete (INC) indicates that there was insufficient information available to assess this indicator.

Family and peers play an important role in facilitating physical activity among children and youth. Parents and other family members are often responsible for facilitating access to physical activity and sports opportunities, and providing encouragement to be physically active.


There were no credible data sources reporting the influence of family and peers, hence a grade could not be assigned.

Why are family and peers important for physical activity?

Research has shown that family, particularly parents, have a large influence on the physical activity of their children. Children of physically active parents are more likely to be physically active themselves. Sibling physical activity has also been shown to be related to child and youth activity levels.

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