Tarun Katapally, AHKI Co-Founder and India Report Card Leader
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Dr. Katapally is a physician and a population health policy researcher at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy. He holds an adjunct faculty position in the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan and is a research affiliate with the Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research Centre and the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture. He is the India lead for the Global Report Card on physical activity of children and youth. Dr. Katapally’s expertise is in linking advanced mixed-methods and complex analytical techniques with community-based participatory research to understand the impact of policy and policy-driven contexts and systems on health and wellbeing of populations. Increasingly, his focus is on the usage of digital epidemiological tools in informing active living policy.

Jasmin Bhawra, AHKI Co-Founder and Chair
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Jasmin is a population health researcher and program evaluator whose research interests include nutrition, chronic disease prevention, physical activity, and health policy. Her research has primarily focused on vulnerable populations, including Indigenous Canadians and children and youth. She has worked with public health units, non-profit organizations, and a large pediatric hospital in coordinating research and leading health program evaluations.
Mysuru Group

Krishnaveni Ghattu V, Mysuru Study Lead
Mysuru, India
Dr. GV Krishnaveni is a Senior Scientist with the Epidemiology Research Unit at the CSI Holdsworth Memorial Hospital in Mysuru. Her research focuses on understanding the influence of maternal and offspring lifecourse factors, including nutritional status on development of adult non-communicable disease. Her research interests include anthropometry and body composition, developing and testing dietary and physical activity methods, and assessing cardiometabolic and psychological wellbeing and stress responses in children and adolescents.

Kumaran Kalyanaraman, Mysuru Study Investigator
Mysuru, India
Dr. Kalyanaraman is the Indian Principal Investigator of the Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative, a multi-country collaboration to address non-communicable disease risk based on DOHaD (developmental origins of health and disease) concepts. His research focuses on the application of multi-faceted, evidence-based population level interventions to improve fetal growth and long-term health using a lifecourse approach. His current projects include a community-based pre-conceptional micronutrient supplementation trial to influence programming of diabesity in the next generation in Pune, as well as a community-based supplementation trial of micronutrient rich food among slum dwellers in Mumbai.
Chennai Group

Anjana Ranjit Mohan, Chennai Study Lead
Chennai, India
Dr. Mohan is the Managing Director of Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre which is a WHO Collaborating Centre for Non Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control and International Diabetes Foundation (IDF) Centre of Education. She is also the Vice President of the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, which is an Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Centre for Advanced Research on Diabetes. Her main research areas are prevention of diabetes, epidemiology, physical activity and translational research and metagenomics.

Pradeepa Guha, Chennai Study Investigator
Chennai, India
Dr. R. Guha is Senior Scientist and Head, Research Operations at the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation (MDRF), Chennai, India. Her area of interest includes diabetes and its complications in epidemiological studies. With a broad background in nutrition, with specific training and expertise in epidemiology of diabetes and its complications and other non-communicable diseases, she develops and implements projects and also coordinate multicentre international projects at MDRF.

Ranjani Harish, Chennai Study Investigator
Chennai, India
Dr. Ranjani Harish is Senior Scientist & Head of the Department of Translational Research, Madras Diabetes Research Foundation in Chennai. Her research interests include epidemiology, and translational and implementational research. She is the principal investigator for several projects including Obesity Reduction and Awareness and Screening of Non-communicable Diseases through Group Education in children and adolescents (ORANGE – Phase I & II) and Diabetes Community Lifestyle Improvement Program (D-CLIP), Young Diabetes Studies and NHLBI funded (RO1) worksite-based intervention.
Kochi Group

Manu Raj, Kochi Study Investigator
Kochi, India
Dr. Raj is a Professor of Pediatrics and a Senior Consultant of Clinical Epidemiology and Public Health Research at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research. His areas of interest include pediatric and lifestyle diseases and interventions, adolescent health, non-communicable disease surveillance, population health research, and mobile health technologies.
2016 India Report Card Team